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ASD / Aspergers / Autism

Wrapping Up: Making a Difference

In this blog series, I’ve talked about my experience with aspergers, explained in a general sense the physiological causes of autism, and finally, how the symptoms make it difficult for those with ASD to get the help they need. Since discovering I had aspergers in the mid-90’s, my journey has mostly been about putting my […]

ASD / Aspergers / Autism

Ugly Baby Animals – Understanding Autistics

In maybe the least surprising study ever, it was found that even scientists exhibit bias towards research of cute animals. It’s easy to understand — cute animals are easier to care about, and thus, research easier to fund. Who’s easier to love? Baby seals, or the frightening aye-aye? First impressions are often wrong. Hyenas are stereotyped as […]

ASD / Aspergers / Autism

What is Autism? An Insider’s View

Note: This is the second part in a series on Autism. People assume I’m intelligent. It’s like a default setting – Linda is “friendly,” Bob is “assertive,” Chris is “smart.”  I guess it’s the way I carry myself. A few months into my first professional job, I’d earned enough distinction to be assigned an extremely […]

ASD / Aspergers / Autism

Asperger’s, Autism and Me

This is the first in a series of blogs on Autism and Aspergers. I’m writing these from the perspective of someone with Asperger’s, and not as an expert.  I was in my thirties before I heard the word Asperger’s. A few months later, I was certain it accurately described me. You might ask — what does one feel […]